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7.7 Controlling the Behavior of Compound Words

Aspell has support for unconditionally accepting run-together words or accepting camelCase words.

Support for unconditionally accepting run-together words can either be turned on in the language data file or as a normal option via the run-together option. The run-together-limit options controls the maximum number of words that can be strung together, the default is normally 2. The run-together-min options controls the minimum length of the individual components of the run together word, the default is normally 3. Both the run-together-limit and run-together-min option may be specified in both the language data file or as a normal option.

Support for accepting camelCase words can be enabled via the camel-case option. When this option is enabled Aspell will accept ‘camelCase’ but will reject ‘camelcase’. In addition, Aspell will attempt to provide reasonable suggestions when a camelCase word is misspelled. It will correct typos such as ‘camelcase’ or ‘camelcAse’ and suggest ‘camelCase’. If a single part of a camelCase word is misspelled it will attempt to correct that part. When camelCase mode is enabled Aspell will not attempt to split a word by default, to change this simply set sug-split-char.