Brave GNU World standard questions: ----------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: These are the standard questions for the Brave GNU World column that can be found online at It has become customary to fill out these questions and mail them back to in order to give me a good feeling/impression about a project. This also applies to non-technical projects, btw. Please feel free to be as verbose as you want as more information will allow me to gain a more complete picture which I can then use to write a more complete feature. QUESTIONS: ********************************************************************** * What is it? GNU Aspell is a Free and Open Source spell checker designed to eventually replace Ispell. It can either be used as a library or as an independent spell checker. Its main feature is that it does a much better job of coming up with possible suggestions than just about any other spell checker out there for the English language, including Ispell and Microsoft Word. It also has many other technical enhancements over Ispell such as using shared memory for dictionaries and intelligently handling personal dictionaries when more than one Aspell process is open at once. ********************************************************************** * Who would use it? Anyone who needs to spell check their writings. (Who doesn't?) ********************************************************************** * Why would they use it instead of similar projects? * Special features/strengths? From the manual: 1.1 Comparison to other spell checker engines +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Aspell | Ispell | Netscape | Microsoft Word | | | | | 4.0 | 97 | |------------------------+--------+--------+------------+----------------| | Open Source | x | x | | | |------------------------+--------+--------+------------+----------------| | Suggestion | 88-98 | 54 | 55-70? | 71 | | Intelligence | | | | | |------------------------+--------+--------+------------+----------------| | Personal part of | x | x | x | | | Suggestions | | | | | |------------------------+--------+--------+------------+----------------| | Alternate Dictionaries | x | x | ? | ? | |------------------------+--------+--------+------------+----------------| | International Support | x | x | ? | ? | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The suggestion Intelligence is based on a small test kernel of misspelled/ correct word pairs. Go to for more info and how you can help contribute to the test kernel. The current scores for Aspell are 88 in fast mode, 93 in normal mode, and 98 in bad spellers mode see section 4.4.4 for more information about the various suggestion modes. If you have any other information you would like to add to this chart please contact me at kevina at users sourceforge net. 1.1.1 Comparison to Ispell Features that only Aspell has * Does a much better job with coming up with suggestions than Ispell does or for that matter any other spell checker I have seen. If you know a spell checker that does a better job please let me know. * Can learn from users misspellings. * Is an actual library that others programs can link to instead of having to use it through a pipe. * Is multiprocess intelligent. When a personal dictionary (or replacement list) is saved it will now first update the list against the dictionary on disk in case another process modified it. * Can share the memory used in the main word list between processes. * Support for detachable dictionaries so that more than one aspell class can use the same dictionary. * Support for multiple personal dictionaries as well as support for special auxiliary dictionaries. * Better support for run-together words. * Ability to use multiple dictionaries by simply specifying it on the command line or in the configuration files. * A better, more complete word list for the English language. Word lists are provided for American, British, and Canadian spelling. Special care has been taken to only include one spelling for each word in any particular word list. The word list included in Ispell by contrast only included support for American and British and also tends to included multiple spellings for a word which can mask some spelling errors. Things that, currently, only Ispell have * Support for affix compression (However this should change soon once Kevin Hendricks is integrated) * Lower memory footprint * Perhaps better support for spell checking (La)TEX files. * Support for spell checking Nroff files. ********************************************************************** * (Programming) language used in this project? Standard C++. Requires Gcc 2.95 or better. Should work with other compilers but I only work with gcc. ********************************************************************** * Special problems? ********************************************************************** * Who is working on it? So far just me :( ********************************************************************** * Why did the project start? I started this project because I needed a better spell checker for GNU/Linux. Ispell's suggestion strategy was far from adequate, especially since I was use to using Microsoft Word. I don't really remember the details but somehow I stumbled across Lawrence Philips' Metaphone Algorithm and it worked great. Thus the first version of Aspell (then named Kspell) was born. ********************************************************************* * History of the project? Significant Dates: 1998-09 Kspell 0.10 1998-10 Aspell 0.20 2000-02 Aspell 0.29 2000-04 Aspell 0.30 2000-07 Aspell 0.32 2001-01 Aspell 0.33 2002-08 GNU Aspell 0.50 Sometime around September, 1998 I released the first version of Aspell however then it was called Kspell. It was able to check documents, however the interface was horrible. It could also act as a replacement for Ispell when used in pipe mode "aspell -a". The main feature of Kspell was the fact that it could come up with suggestions better than any other spell checker I knew of including Microsoft Word, which I originally though was pretty good. In version .20 I changed the name to Aspell to avoid confusion with KDE spell checker which was also called Kspell. I then continued to improve the suggestion strategy up until around Aspell .29, where the score for Aspell improved from 82 to 93 based on a small test kernel of misspelled words. In Aspell .29 I added a new mode for Aspell suggestions "fast" which was several times faster than Aspell's normal suggestion mode but still got decent results, with a score of 87. In Aspell .33 I added support to to give higher priority to words such as "the" instead of "teh" which are likely to be due to typos. Unfortunately, this increased the time it took for Aspell to come up with suggestions by several magnitudes. See the relevant information section at the end of this document for more info on Aspell's suggestion strategy. In Aspell .29 I added rudimentary filter support which will automatically skip over stuff that should not be spell checked such as URL's, TeX and HTML formatting commands. The filter interface, however was a complete mess. It was such a mess that I refused to to even tough it after a while. In Aspell 0.50 I totally rewrote the interface to make it much simpler to add new filters to Aspell. At the same time of Aspell .30 I released the first version of Pspell. The goal of the Pspell was to provide a generic interface to Spell checker libraries installed on the system. However, in actuality, it turned out just to make everyones like more difficult. So in Aspell 0.50 I decided merge Pspell into Aspell. I completely redid the word list for Aspell 0.32. The resulting word list in my view was far superior to the original word list I used which came from Ispell. The wordlist involved the careful combination of a large number of other free word lists using a very complex makefile and a lot of "sort" and "comm"s and few helper utilities. Great care was taken when creating this new word list so that only one spelling for any particular word was included depending on which spelling region was chosen. The new word list provided support for American, British, and Canadian, spelling. The result of all this work can be found at A nice new curses interface was provided with Aspell .33 to replace the dump terminal interface everyone was bitching about. ********************************************************************** * Plans for the close and distant future? I plan to release the first version of GNU Aspell by the end of August. The main reasons for doing this release is so that I can officially retire the old Aspell/Pspell combination, to get GNU Aspell into the next version of various GNU/Linux and other free operating system (such as FreeBSD), and to generate publicity for GNU Aspell by creating a press release for GNU Aspell 0.50. With a few exceptions it should be at least as functional and stable as the old Aspell/Pspell combination. The main exception is that there will be no ispell module for GNU Aspell since Kevin Hendricks yet to be integrated affix code should make the need for Ispell obsolete. From an end-users standpoint GNU Aspell also has a few minor enhancements over the old Aspell/Pspell combination such as the ability to use Ispell key bindings when checking documents. I really don't know what direction GNU Aspell will take after the release of Aspell 0.50. I am really hoping that some other people will pitch in and help. Someday Aspell will be ready for the big 1.0. But I have no idea when that is. Maybe never, unless I get some assistance. (See next question) ********************************************************************** * Do you need help? If so: of what kind? Most defiantly, from the manual: 2.4 Helping Out I have very little time to work on Aspell so I desperately need other people to help with the development of Aspell. There are a lot of things that need to be done before I consider Aspell complete. See section B.1 for a list of them. I would really appreciate some help with doing them. If you are interested in helping with one of them please let me know. I am also looking for someone to eventually take over the maintenance and development of Aspell. If you are interested please contact me directly. B.1 Things that need to be done These items need to be done before I consider Aspell finished. Unfortunately, I do not have the time to do all so if you are interested in helping me with one of these tasks please email me. Good C++ skills are needed for most of these tasks involving coding. * Convert manual from LyX/LATEX to Texinfo. * Clean up copyright notices and bring the Aspell package up to GNU Standards. * Add gettext support to Aspell. * Allow Aspell to check documents which are in UTF-8. The main thing to be done is to get Aspell to display UTF-8 correctly. This will involve being able to get the length of UTF-8 strings and display UTF-8 using the curses library. * Make Aspell Thread safe. Even though Aspell itself is not multi-threaded I would like it to be thread safe so that it can be used by multi-threaded programs. There are several areas of Aspell that that are potently thread unsafe (such as accessing a global pool) and several several classes which have the potential of being used by more than one thread (such as the personal dictionary). * Allow filters to be loaded at run-time. At the moment all filters must be complied in. * Integrate Kevin Hendricks affix compression code into Aspell. His code is already in use in OpenOffice as part of the lingucomponent component. More information can be found at http:// The latest version of his code is also available there. * Create a C++ interface for Aspell, possibly on top of the C one. * Enhance ispell.el so that it will work better with the new Aspell. FYI: Affix compression is the act of combining several words with a common base word into one word which consists of the base word and a list of affixes to apply. (Affix is the generic term for prefix, suffix or infix). For example "alarm alarms alarmed alarming" will become "alarm/SDG" where SDG stands for the suffixes of alarm. This can make a huge difference in space for languages with have extensive affixation such as German. ********************************************************************** * Interesting/fun stories that might juice up the story? Sorry, none that I can think of :|. ********************************************************************** * Website/FTP addresses? ********************************************************************** * License?! LGPL. Naturally RMS wasn't happy with it. After several emails here is what he finally agreed to (in late July, 2002) The LGPL gives everyone permission to release a GPL-covered version. In fact, we could do this today. If everyone else can do this, it isn't fair to say that the FSF alone can never do this. At some point we have to have as much rights as everyone else. So I'm proposing that the FSF will agree, for a year, to respect your preference about the license we use, but after that we would no longer be bound. We could still talk about it with you but would not have to follow your wishes. If you are working actively on the program, that provides a reason to pay attention to your views about the license for it. If you continue working on it (which would be a good thing), then that reason continues; but if you really do stop, eventually that reason fades away, and we should be free to do whatever the license allows and our principles support. One of the main reason I want it to be LGPL is so that projects like OpenOffice and Mozilla will use it. If it was GPL they will only be allowed to use it in the "Free" version and not the commercial version. This means that it will probably not be worth their effort to use GNU Aspell. I also want Aspell to eventually become the de-factual spell checker for GNU/Linux and other free operation systems. The only way I see this happening is if it under a permissive enough license to allow non-free programs to use it as a library, which is why I chose to use LGPL rather than GPL. Although non-free programs can technically use Aspell though it's pipe interface (in the same way they can use Ispell) this is less than ideal in my view. Also, since Aspell is already released under the LGPL, I fear that changing it to GPL may cause an undesirable fork of Aspell: One under the GPL by the FSF and another under the LGPL by someone else. ********************************************************************** * Standard documents to read in this context? None that I know of. However, it may be worthwhile to look at Ispell if you are not already familiar with it. Aspell gets many of its ideas from Ispell and my eventual goal is to make the need for Ispell obsolete. ********************************************************************** * Anything you would like to see mentioned? In case your interested, from the manual: 8. How Aspell Works The magic behind my spell checker comes from merging Lawrence Philips excellent Metaphone algorithm and Ispell's near miss strategy which is inserting a space or hyphen, interchanging two adjacent letters, changing one letter, deleting a letter, or adding a letter. The process goes something like this. 1. Convert the misspelled word to its soundslike equivalent (its Metaphone for English words). 2. Find all words that have a soundslike within one or two edit distances from the original words soundslike. The edit distance is the total number of deletions, insertions, exchanges, or adjacent swaps needed to make one string equivalent to the other. When set to only look for soundslikes within one edit distance it tries all possible soundslike combinations and check if each one is in the dictionary. When set to find all soundslike within two edit distance it scans through the entire dictionary and quickly scores each soundslike. The scoring is quick because it will give up if the two soundslikes are more than two edit distances apart. 3. Find misspelled words that have a correctly spelled replacement by the same criteria of step number 2 and 3. That is the misspelled word in the word pair (such as teh -> the) would appear in the suggestions list as if it was a correct spelling. 4. Score the result list and return the words with the lowest score. The score is roughly the weighed average of the weighed edit distance of the word to the misspelled word and the soundslike equivalent of the two words. The weighted edit distance is like the edit distance except that the various edits have weights attached to them. 5. Replace the misspelled words that have correctly spelled replacements with their replacements and remove any duplicates that might arise because of this. Please note that the soundslike equivalent is a rough approximation of how the words sounds. It is not the phoneme of the word by any means. For more details about exactly how each step is performed please see the file For more information on the metaphone algorithm please see the data file english_phonet.dat. ********************************************************************** * Answer to a question I forgot? None that I can think of. ********************************************************************** ********************************************************************** * Relevant Information ********************************************************************** * Notes on the Different Suggestion Modes [From the manual] In order to understand what these suggestion modes do, a basic understanding of how aspell works is required. See section 8 for that. The suggestion modes are as follows. ultra This method will use the fastest method available to come up with decent suggestions. This currently means that it will look for soundslikes within one edit distance apart without doing any typo analysis. It is slower than Ispell by a factor of 1.5 to 2 when a single word list is used. It speed is only minor affected by the size of the word list, if at all, but it is strongly effected by the number of word lists use. In this mode Aspell gets about 87% of the words from my small test kernel of misspelled words. (Go to more info on the test kernel as well as comparisons of this version of Aspell with previous versions and other spell checkers.) fast This method is like ultra except that it also performs typo analysis unless it is turned off by setting the keyboard to none. The typo analysis brings words which are likely to be due to typos to the beginning of the list but slows things down by a factor of about two. This mode should get around the same number of words that the ultra method does. normal This method looks for soundslikes within two edit distance apart and perform typo-analysis unless it is turned off. Is is around 10 times slower than fast mode with the english word list but returns better suggestions. Its speed is directly proportional to the size of the word list. This mode gets 93% of the words. bad-spellers This method also looks for soundslikes within two edit distances apart but is more tailored for the bad speller where as fast or normal are more tailed to strike a good balance between typos and true misspellings. This mode never performs typo-analysis and returns a huge number of words for the really bad spellers who can't seam to get the spelling anything close to what it should be. If the misspelled word looks anything like the correct spelling it is bound to be found somewhere on the list of 100 or more suggestions. This mode gets 98% of the words. ********************************************************************** * Spell Checker Test Kernel Results ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scores +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Total | Total | | | 1 - | 1 - | 1 - | | | | Score | Not | Found |First|1 - 5| 10 | 25 | 50 | Any | | | | Found | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .20 | 82.8| 88| 424| 58.4| 78.1| 81.6| 82.8| 82.8| 82.8| |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .21 | 80.9| 98| 414| 58.0| 76.6| 79.7| 80.7| 80.9| 80.9| |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .22 - | 85.7| 73| 439| 55.5| 77.0| 81.1| 85.0| 85.5| 85.7| |.24 | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .25 - | 83.2| 86| 426| 56.2| 78.1| 80.9| 83.2| 83.2| 83.2| |.28 | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .29.0 | 93.9| 31| 481| 59.0| 85.5| 89.8| 93.6| 93.8| 93.9| |/ Normal | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .29.1 | | | | | | | | | | |- .30 / | 92.8| 37| 475| 59.0| 85.5| 89.8| 92.6| 92.8| 92.8| |Normal | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell | | | | | | | | | | |Dmetaph / | 93.8| 32| 480| 59.2| 85.9| 91.4| 93.6| 93.8| 93.8| |Normal | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .29 - | 87.3| 65| 447| 59.0| 81.8| 85.0| 87.1| 87.3| 87.3| |.30 / Fast | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell | | | | | | | | | | |Dmetaph / | 88.1| 61| 451| 58.6| 82.6| 86.5| 87.9| 88.1| 88.1| |Fast | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell .29 | | | | | | | | | | |-.30 / Bad | 98.0| 10| 502| 59.6| 82.8| 87.3| 94.5| 96.5| 98.0| |Spellers | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Aspell | | | | | | | | | | |Dmetaph / Bad| 98.2| 9| 503| 59.8| 83.0| 89.5| 95.7| 97.1| 98.2| |Spellers | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Ispell 3.1.20| 54.7| 232| 280| 39.3| 52.1| 54.1| 54.7| 54.7| 54.7| |w/ -S option | | | | | | | | | | |-------------+-------+-------+-------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----| |Word 97 | 70.7| 150| 362| 57.2| 69.1| 70.7| 70.7| 70.7| 70.7| +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note: Only Data in which the correct spelling was found in all three dictionaries was counted. The Score is: (Total Found)/(Total)*100 First is: (Total Found First On List)/(Total)*100, 1-5 is: (Total Found 1st - 5th)/(Total)*100, etc... Dmetaph is Aspell .30.1 which uses the Double Metaphone algorithm. Please see my Metaphone page for more information. To see which words Aspell with the Double Metaphone algorithm got and Aspell .30.1 did not, and vice versa, please see this file. [scores] Graph created with Ploticus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of Results Returned +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | Min | 5% | 25% | 50% | 75% | 95% | Max | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .20 | 0| 3| 3| 5| 8| 16| 38| |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .21 | 0| 3| 3| 5| 11| 26| 76| |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .22 - .24 | 0| 3| 3| 5| 11| 23| 60| |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .25 - .28 | 0| 2| 3| 5| 8| 18| 32| |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .29.0 / | 3| 5| 10| 17| 31| 82| 100| |Normal | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .29.1 - .30 /| 3| 4| 8| 12| 20| 36| 100| |Normal | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell Dmetaph / | 3| 4| 8| 13| 19| 37| 77| |Normal | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .29 - .30 / | 0| 2| 5| 10| 17| 33| 96| |Fast | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell Dmetaph / | 0| 3| 5| 9| 17| 33| 77| |Fast | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell .29 -.30 / | 3| 11| 29| 74| 173| 470| 1000| |Bad Spellers | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Aspell Dmetaph / Bad| 4| 9| 31| 75| 168| 414| 1000| |Spellers | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Ispell 3.1.20 w/ -S | 0| 0| 0| 1| 3| 9| 25| |option | | | | | | | | |--------------------+-------+------+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------| |Word 97 | 0| 0| 1| 2| 4| 10| 20| +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Raw Data * Test Data * Results, Scripts and Raw Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to Aspell ********************************************************************** * Kevin's Word Lists Page This page contains links to various Word Lists and related information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- News June 7, 2001 A new version of the official 12Dicts package is now available. It differs from previous versions primarily by replacement of one dictionary with another dictionary from the same publisher. Additionally, there have been many error corrections, especially to the 2of12inf list. May 20, 2001 Finally updated the webpage to reflect the fact that a new version of SCOWL, and AGID was released in the beginning of April. Added a link to the an online version of a Longman dictionary. Older News -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Packaged by Me "tar.gz" files has Unix EOL charters and "zip" files has DOS/Windows EOL characters. Older releases can be found here. SCOWL SCOWL (Spell Checker Oriented Word Lists) is a collection of word lists split up in various sizes, and other categories, intended to be suitable for use in spell checkers. However, I am sure it will have numerous other uses as well. readme, tar.gz, zip (rev 4a, 2.2 MB) (release notes & changelog) AGID AGID is an Automatically Generated Inflection Database from an insanely large word list. My goal is for the non-questionable entries to be 100% accurate. readme, tar.gz, zip (rev 3a, 0.9 MB) (release notes & changelog) VarCon VarCon (Variant Conversion Info) contains tables to convert between American, British, and Canadian spellings and vocabulary as well as well as a table listing the equivalent forms of other variants. readme, tar.gz, zip (rev 2, 0.1 MB) (release notes & changelog) Part Of Speech Database The Part Of Speech Database is a combination of "Moby (tm) Part-of-Speech II" and the WordNet database. readme, tar.gz, zip (1.2 MB) Unofficial Jargon File Word Lists The Unofficial Jargon File Word Lists is a collection of useful Word Lists created from the Jargon file. readme, tar.gz Ispell English Word Lists This package contains the contents of the Ispell (ver 3.1.20) word list after being expand from there affix compressed form used by Ispell. readme, tar.gz, zip (0.4 MB) Unofficial Alternate 12 Dicts Package The Unofficial Alternate 12 Dicts Package contains almost all the information in the official 12Dicts package but in a different format as well as a good deal of additional information. However it is not meant as a replacement for the official 12Dicts package. It simply offers the information in a different way. readme, readme-infl, tar.gz, zip (rev 2b, 0.6 MB) (release notes & changelog) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official 12Dicts Package The methodology of the project is to record and correlate the words listed in a number of small dictionaries. The number of dictionaries so recorded is now 12, comprising 8 ESL (English as a Second Language) dictionaries and 4 "desk dictionaries". The dictionaries chosen vary widely by publisher, by style, by completeness and by depth. In this version of 12dicts, all of them are dictionaries of American English (three from British publishers). The smallest of them contains about 20,000 entries, and the largest 46,000. (All totalled, there are about 75,000 entries, many of which appear in only a single dictionary.) All but two of them were published in the last six years. (ver 3.0, 473 KB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links to other General Word Lists * ENABLE, YAWL * The UK Advanced Cryptics Dictionary (UKACD), plus others * UK English wordlist with frequency classification, plus linkes to many other lists with frequency info. * BNC Corpus Frequency Info * Moby, Alternate Site * english.words DEC-SRC-92-04-05, Alternate Site * Large Collection of Word Lists * National Puzzlers' League -- Word Lists Links to Online Dictionaries * Marriam-Webster * American Heritage * Random House * Webster's New World (Search Currently Broken) * Encarta * Wordsmyth * WordNet * Cambridge (ESL) * Longman (ESL) * Macquarie (Australian) * 1913 Webster's: ARTFL, Bibliomania,, Ralph * OneLook (Meta) * More: YourDictionary, Randy's Links Links to Slang Word Lists and Dictionaries * American + Common American Slang + American-Australian Slang Dictionary + ESL Slang Page + Canadian/US Slang * British + A dictionary of slang + British Isles Slang + British Slang Glossary * Australian + Australian Slang * Cajun + Cajun Slang * Computer/Internet + Computer/Internet Slang * Miscellaneous + Miscellaneous Slang * The Alternative English Dictionary Links to Specialty Word Lists and Dictionaries * Jargon File (Also known as The New Hacker's Dictionary) * The Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing * U.S. Census Bureau Names Files with frequency info. Other Links * Aspell * The American-British British-American Dictionary -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This site is maintained by Kevin Atkinson (kevina at users sourceforge net). Be sure to check out my home page. [sflogo] NOTE: Everything you want me to read should be sent to me by mail because very often I will take my mail with me and read it where I don't have access to the net.